Restorative Strength
January 1st, 2025 @9 – 9:50am with Birgit
Especially for New Years Day, this workout is about you!
A New Years Day workout should not be about punishing yourself over the night before, or for any part of the past year that is now behind you.
Let January 1, 2025 help you feel good. Find balance, mobility, and purpose in body and mind.
This special class is designed to motivate you into the New Year with a positive and empowering workout during which we will explore how to increase our levels of movement and strength into your daily life.
Our strength portion will go through the basic movement patterns that you need to know to optimally harness your functional fitness, at whatever level you are now and strive to be in the future. We will also spend time on restorative practices to help you bring greater ease into your movements, reduce pain, and find a sense of calm in action.
Along the way tune into our friendly strength class vibe and bond over some fun strategizing for 2025. See you there!